The Score For Your Team Football Carnival has arrived!!!
This is a carnival for celebrating our state's great obsession with football, for visiting your Alabama blogging neighbors, and, of course, for rivalry!!
So, write your post and pick your team's button (listed below) to put on top. Then, come back to this post and link it up (use the post's URL and not just your blog's URL), and I'll be keeping score for which team has the most supporters!! You can also put a button on your sidebar to score another point for your team.
Be sure to go visit the other carnival participants and say hi! And I'm sure a bit of cheering for your team in their comments sections would be acceptable too - even if THEY aren't for your team. ;)
Feel free to blog about whatever football related subject you want - how great your team is, your tailgating/game watching traditions, what games you're going to this year - whatever you'd like your fellow Alabama Bloggers to read when they come visit your site! Just be sure to put the button of your choice at the top of the post.
The winning team will have Alabama blog domination bragging rights for the rest of the year!
**** Updated: Zoës Kitchen is sponsoring this Carnival!!! ALL participants have a chance at winning one of five free lunches from Zoës, and participants from the winning team have another chance at winning one of five MORE free lunches from Zoës!! Thanks, Zoës!! Click here to get all the details!****
Here are the codes for the buttons. To grab one, just copy and paste the code below the button of your choice. You can either paste it into a blog post or a sidebar (for Blogger, choose an HTML/Javascript Gadget). Let me know if you need any help!
Alabama Large (400px):

Alabama Medium (200px):

Alabama Small (150px):

Auburn Large (400px):

Auburn Medium (200px):

Auburn Small (150px):

***** Due to popular demand, the carnival is now open to ALL football teams - not just Alabama and Auburn!! I will make buttons on request so that you can show your team pride! Here are the buttons requested so far:Arkansas Razorbacks:

Mississippi State Bulldogs:

UAB Blazers:

Mississippi State Bulldogs:

UAB Blazers:

Let me know if your team isn't listed, and I will add a button for you!
Once you have your post up, link up here!!! And.... Roll Tide!!! :)
When I moved to Alabama, people were always asking me if I pulled for Auburn or Alabama, and I always smiled and politely replied, "None of the above."
Twenty years later, most people know that I'm an Arkansas Razorback. I even sent all three of my boys to Arkansas, although they could have gone to Auburn or Alabama if they had chosen to do so.
I have a Alabama button on my sidebar!!
Just added the Auburn button....War Eagle!!!!
The Alabama button's on my sidebar - ROLL TIDE!
YAY! I'm adding the Alabama button. I so tickled about this!!
Seriously? That is how I am representing the Tide? With a typo?
That should read "I'm so tickled about this." Sheesh.
Roll Tide!
Adding the Auburn button now !! War Eagle yall !!!
Since I don't have a non-participation of "employees" policy in my extensive employee handbook for Alabama Bloggers (ha!), I'm scoring for Alabama on my main blog!
I'm disappointed there are only two teams represented here. I may live in Alabama but my heart will always belong to Mississippi State. Go Dawgs!
Thanks for opening this up. While I know my team won't win this contest, it's fun to participate.
Just added the Auburn button! Warrrrrr Eagle! :-)
READY to money is all going there.
ROLL TIDE! MY post is scheduled to run on MOnday, August 31st.
I did a post about the carnival...WAR EAGLE!
I have posted AND added the ALABMA button to my side bar!
I CANNOT WAIT until Sept. 5th! I'm ready to see Bama kick some Hokie hiney!
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post is up and linked!
ROLL TIDE!!!! :)
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