Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to Alabama Bloggers!!


My name is Rachel, I live in Birmingham, and I stay busy blogging at Grasping for Objectivity in my Subjective Life. I love blogging and getting to know other bloggers by reading their blogs. However, I have discovered a major gap in blog interaction: There is no blog networking site for Alabama!

Every day I am amazed when I run into another awesome Alabama blogger - you are innumerable, and I want to know you!

So I created this site. It will have a LONG way to grow, but you have to start somewhere, right?

Here are some of the things that I hope to accomplish at Alabama Bloggers:
  • First and foremost, I see this as a place for Alabama bloggers to convene, meet like-minded bloggers, find blogging friends, be entertained, and ultimately be a centralized meeting place for all of us.

  • There will be local interest posts, reviews of events, and opportunities to link up your blog posts on events and places around Alabama.

  • You will have the opportunity to have your blog posts featured here, or even be a recurring contributor.

  • There will be local contests and giveaways. Which, of course, means that if you have a local (or non-local) product, you can donate items to be featured and given away and benefit from the amazing the win/win/win of blog advertising!

  • There is "The List", which groups all Alabama Bloggers that have joined the site by cities and regions in Alabama.

  • And there will definitely be blogger meet-ups and parties!
However, today is just a start. And to start it off, let's have an introduction time.

You know, one of those uncomfortable, cheesy, "go around the room and introduce yourself" moments.

I'm going to put a Mister Linky on here to link up your blog to make visiting easy, but also be sure and leave a comment on this post and tell us about who you are .

I'll start us off:

As I said, I'm Rachel of Grasping for Objectivity in my Subjective Life. I post there at least once a day, but I also put my "seconds" on a blog called B-Sides. I also have a weekly column at 5 Minutes for Parenting called A Dose of Humor.

My main goal in blogging is to document our lives (and anything else that pops into my head) in the most entertaining, and hopefully even humorous, way possible.

Besides my blogging, I am 27 years old, a wife to my wonderful husband, and mother to a precious two year old daughter, Ali. I stay at home with her, but during her naptimes, work at home for two companies - doing accounting and human resources.

So now, please introduce yourself!! Also, please feel free to share any ideas you have for this site, any participation you would like to offer, or pretty much anything else!! I will need all of your help in turning this into the community that it has potential to be!

As you add your comments and linkies, I will add you to the "The List", which is grouped by area and available on the sidebar.

Also, PLEASE spread the word! Tweet, Blog, Facebook, Digg, Stumble, Kirtsy, whatever you use, let's get the word out that there's a new place for Alabama Bloggers to hang out!!

Be sure to visit the other bloggers who have introduced themselves - there's no better way to network than to reach out!

Also, please be sure to follow by clicking the button on the left, and subscribe if you use a reader. There will be much more going on here soon!

I look forward to visiting your blogs!


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Trina said...

This is so exciting! Can't wait to meet some of you in person! :)

Jennifer said...

Hi Rachel, hi Trina! This is exciting! I am also in B'ham and I am friends with Rachel through our church and through her blog. I am married and have 3 kids. My oldest is graduating from Kindergarten next week. I stay at home and love serving in my church's worship ministry by playing the flute and being on the intercessory team. Prayer is my passion.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel! I'm Amy. I live in a small Alabama city with my husband and son. I blog about my photography, crafting, books, parenting, and sometimes more.

Sweetie said...

Hello Rachel!
I'm Sweetie Berry, God's girl, Les's wife their mom and stepmom. I'm in Decatur, where I am a Creative Strategist and consultant. My husband and I work with step and blended families as our ministry. Our focus is helping churches and organizations develop new perceptions about the needs of today's families and facilitate schedules and programming that allow all families to participate. We're passionate about rebuilding families one heart at a time in God's love.

MamaHen said...

Hi Rachel, it's MamaHen. I am the wife of Mark, my Sweet Hubby, and mom to the four sweetest children ever. We are currently in the adoption process and are waiting on our New Baby Girl. I live on 8 acres in a little farmhouse and love all things home (except for cleaning the fridge and well, cleaning all things home). I'm excited about getting to know all of you!

Lianne said...

Rachel, you never cease to amaze me! What a cool idea!

I'm Lianne. I am in Winfield. I am a full-time mom to 2 great kids, ages 8 and 5. I have been married to my Prince Charming-ish for 10 years next month. I am the director of Women's Ministries at my church.

I am really excited about this idea and look forward to meeting more Alabama bloggers!

MamaHen said...

Hey Rachel, I'm sure you have thought of this, but how about a button to go on our sidebar?

Christen said...

Great idea Rachel! I'm a stay at home mom to a 16 month old little boy, and we have a little girl coming in June. I just started my blog a couple of weeks ago, but was a blog stalker for a year before that :)

Jennifer said...

Lianne - LOL on the Prince Charming-ISH!!! I'll have to borrow that one!

Mama Hen - Great idea to have a ALB button for our blogs!!! Come on Rachel! We need a button!

Mary said...

Rachel -- great idea! thanks for creating a place for us alabama bloggers.

I'm Mary, a wife, mom, speaker and writer. My girls are 16 and 22! Don't know how that happened, but they grew up before I knew what hit me.
I blog for myself and for Premier Christian Cruises and Extraordinary Women Conferences (God is so good to me!!!)
Can't wait to meet in person!

Rachel said...

Jennifer and Mama Hen - the button is ready and on the top left - how could I have forgotten a button?? I love buttons!

All - If you have blogger, Just copy (CTRL-C) the code under the button, go to your layout, add a widget, choose "HTML/Javascript", and paste (CTRL-V) the code in there and save it, and voila! You too can have our button!!!

Kori said...

Hi Rachel,
I have been reading you for sometime. I think I have commented a few times. I live just outside of Gardendale. This is super exciting. Anyhow I blog to update family and friends on my Husband and our battle with him having Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Cystic Fibrosis. Right now my blog is private due to my ex. Once the adoption is complete I am hoping to open it back up. Anyhow I would love to be included in this. And I will gladly send invites to anyone who would like to read my blog. Just email me at wife2cfer at

Digitally Demented said...

Why am I so shocked that there are a lot of mommie bloggers here? Anyway, great idea! Look forward to the great ideas and possibly a few meetups!

Kim said...

Hi yall !!

Wade's World said...

Hey Rachel. This is such a great idea!

My name is Amy, and I blog at Wade's World where our life is broadcasted in all its embarassing glory! I live smack dab in the middle of Alabama with my husband Jeremy, our son Jackson, and our B-A-D dog, Macy.

Come drop by and visit us some time!

Jennie said...

Ooo! This is exciting! I've already met so many fabulous people via blogging I can't wait to meet more AL bloggers.

I'm Jennie. Wife, mother, and about a million other things! My blog is mostly about what goes on in our crazy house and life on our little piece of land in rural St. Clair Co.

Come by and visit for a spell when you can!

Hannah Jo said...

What a great idea Rachel! I'm Hannah Jo and I live in Helena/I'm moving to Montevallo in a few weeks. I review children's books at I am a freelance writer and I spend lots of time with my younger siblings and nieces and nephews. I'm also going back to school to get my Master's in English.

Looking forward to watching this site grow!

Ashley said...

Great idea, Rachel!!! So excited about your new project!! I gotta represent for up North! Hehe! :)

Mrs. Jennifer said...

So I'm slow...didn't do the proper intro earlier. I am Jennifer, wife and mom of one. Found Rachel through our "Aunt Mama Hen". Love the encouragement that comes through blogging! Also I've never been so connected with my fam!

Wade Kwon said...

Thanks for setting this up.

Would you mind adjusting 21 so that it reads "Wade on Birmingham"? Thanks.

Beachbumaw said...

Hi there, I'm Ashley. I'm new to the blogging world so go easy on me!!! I blog about the random craziness that happens in life with a four year old daughter!!! I have a wonderful husband who works out of town half of the year so "part-time-single-motherhood" can be quite interesting sometimes!

2blessed2stress said...


You're welcome for the shout out... hope i wasnt overstepping my bounds! I meant to send you a message but time got away from me today!

Who knows, when i get better at this blogging thing, maybe i'll be able to get some pointers from you for a Ohio Blog! ;)

Best wishes!

The Dyer Family said...

i'm on board!!! i love finding new blogs, especially from 'round these parts. i'm katie. i teach school in auburn, and my husband and i have two kids - a 2.5 year old crazy boy and a 7 week old bebe girl. my blog is mostly about them, but also about the local events we attend from time to time.
i found your blog through our mutual friend christen sparks. can't wait to read more!

Ann Marie said...

Hi everyone! I'm Ann Marie and am personal friends with Rachel...I've known her since at least middle school.
Anyway, I am married to my HS sweetheart and he is the college pastor and church administrator for our church (also where Rachel goes). We have about 25 kids, they all happen to be 18-25 years old! ;)
I LOVE all things French and hope to go there to study the French language soon, as I'm actually still at UAB myself.
I like to think I've put a little "oo lala" in Birmingham bloggosphere! ;)
Cant wait to get to know everyone!!
Thanks Rach! great idea!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh fun! Glad to see this site. Hi, Rachel, I don't think we've crossed paths, but I live in B'ham too. Moved here from Atlanta 3 1/2 years ago with my hubby. I'm not a mommy blogger (although I'm stepmom to three 20-something's) and my blog is primarily about Decorating, Thrifting, Cooking & Gardening. I love yardsales & thriftstores & share a lot of home decor ideas about how to decorate on a budget.

I have a small home-based decorating business too & live in the Chelsea area. I'd love to be more connected to other women here in town. We attend a large church on our side of town & love it. Looking forward to keeping up here too! Thanks for starting this.

Dolly said...

I am so HAPPY to have found a network of bloggers in Alabama.
I live in McCalla and will celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary in June. I am 51 years old , no children, graduated from Pinson Valley High School and attended Samford University. I am looking forward to meeting you.
Thanks again,

City Hall Insider said...

The City of Mobile is blogging at We're also Twittering at We're happy to meet up with all these Bama Bloggers!

Debra Graybeal said...

Hi Rachel!
I'm Debra and I live in Rainbow City, AL which is right outside of Gadsden. I live about 50 miles north of B'ham. I am 28 years old, married to Seth, no human children yet, but we have a very spoiled chihuahua named Cesar! I love Jesus with all my heart!

Debra Graybeal said...

By the way, I would love to be on the "list"!

Debra Graybeal
Rainbow City, AL
near Gadsden

Rachel Langston said...

I am also a Birmingham Blogger named Rachel. I have been blogging since 2006 about whatever strikes me. I think it's a great idea to organize other bloggers in our state. Thanks for getting it started!

Kathryn Lang said...

Hey Folks - I'm Kathryn Lang and I'm a full time freelance writer up near Lake Guntersville. I'm THRILLED to be connecting with more blogges and writers and I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Unknown said...

Birmingham Blogger (as Rachel knows)!

I'll introduce or write more later. On a tight work crunch but wanted to run over.

Jeanette said...

I'm Jeanette - wife to Eric, mom to 5 little boys ages 7 and under.
I blog about whatever is on my mind when I get the chance :)
I love reading blogs while I'm up late at night with my infant!! :)
Really excited to get to know you all.

Carla Jean Whitley said...

I'm Carla Jean Whitley, an associate editor at Birmingham magazine and author of our music blog, Birmingham Box Set. The blog includes interviews with nationally touring musicians, local folks, themed playlists, music news and concert reviews.

At the magazine, I also write about Alabama authors, pop culture, small business and lots more. I have the best job!

Let's see ... about me? I'm 27, single, a Birmingham native who grew up in Florida. I've been back in Alabama for six years, and it really is home.

trav said...

Hi! What a great thing you have going here!
I am a Birmingham blogger and talk about books, publishing and Birmingham.
My name is trav and I'm over at

and I am @tsutrav on Twitter.
Thanks for putting all of this together. I'll try and keep up best I can!

Laura said...

Hey Rachel!

I saw your site via Wade on Facebook. I'm a playwright, fiction writer and book reviewer. I write health book reviews for The News. (Every Thursday, second page of the health section)

I started my blog, Gasp! back in 2002/3 when I was writing for theater in NYC. Moved to Alabama from New York via Austin, TX. Married an Alabama dude. That's how I ended up here. (Technically, Cullman.)

Glad to bump into your blog. I'll be sure to add you to my links.

pjfinley said...

What great idea. Can't wait to check out some of the blogs from people around Alabama. I'm in Birmingham, well Homewood, and this site linking all the blogs will give good perspective.

suctionhorse said...

Whats up guys. This is Josh from Bham, I've met some of you and some of you I would love to meet. This is going to be a good resource for meetups and partaaays! Check out my blogs The Horse, The Wedding PhotogBlog and Get A Flip if you get a chance

Scott Schablow said...

I'm Scott Schablow, Chief Stragetic Officer at Provenance Digital Media. My blog is Twitter is @ScottSchablow . I founded the Birmingham Chapter of the Social Media Club @SMCBHAM . I'd like to invite EVERYONE on the Alabama bloggers list to follow the Social Media Club on Twitter and to join our Google Group to receive news and meeting notices:

DawnS said...

This is so great - thanks for putting it together! I am Dawn, live in B'ham and my personal blog is where I write about adoption and family life. I also contribute to as a product review blogger. I am looking forward to getting to know other area bloggers!!!

Tonja said...

This is a great idea! How fun it will be to 'meet' other bloggers from our wonderful state. I live in Dothan, and have been blogging for several years. I have recently retired from teaching kindergarten for 20 years. I am married and have 3 grown sons and 1beautiful daughter-in-love. I am a Christian, and love my church. I am always excited about doing the next thing...whatever it may be! I enjoy decorating, reading, art and music. I look forward to hearing from other AL bloggers!

DSmithImages said...

Great site! Glad to be able to provide my link and be a part of it.


j said...

Here by way of Leigh of Bloggeritaville. Glad to meet you Rachel. Awesome site - it was needed! I will be visiting as many of the links listed on the linky as I can. I LOVE Alabama bloggers!

Have a blessed day.


Swampgirl said...

Hi! Just stopped by from Leigh at Bloggeritaville. I live in East Alabama. My blog started with projects about our Victorian house renovation but has wandered around after getting inspiration from other blogs!

boomama said...

Done. :-)


How cool is this. I came to you via Leigh at Bloggeritaville. I am Karen...I teach high school Spanish at Benjamin Russell H.S. and I live in Alex City(at Lake Martin)...near Auburn. I was a SAHM for first day of school was the baby's first day of kindergarten. I sing professionally on the side. (My group opened for George Jones in Columbus....April was a huge deal for me.)I love to travel...and explore this great state of ours so I can't wait to see what comes out of this site.

Trina said...

Hi! I am Trina.

Like Karen (StillMagnolias) I came over from Leigh at Bloggeritaville, and I also teach at Ben Russell in Alex City. Karen is my across-the-hall neighbor, and she is FABULOUS!

I'm lucky enough to be married to my best friend. We live in Dadeville, but we have a "piece of Heaven on Earth" at Smith Lake. We spend as much time there as possible.

Having a place for Alabama bloggers is a great idea! It would be fun to have a huge get together sometime. :)

Valerie said...

How neat. I was thinking there has to be a place for Alabama bloggers. I found you through Greek GRITS!! I was so excited!!!

OK a little about me. I live in Fultondale right outside of Birmingham. I am an empty nester. Married to Larry. The rest of our family consists of our beautiful daughter whose 24, son-in-law and my 17 1/2 month old grandson. We have another grandson due to make his appearance in September.

I am so looking forward to getting to know and actually meeting some bloggers from Alabama. I am a Christian and my blog is just about my life and thoughts. I recognize some of the blogs on the list. Thanks for starting this!!

courtne450 said...

Thanks Rachel, this was such a good idea and much needed. I'm Courtney from A day in the life of a housewife. I blog about my crafts, family, and just basically our life. I'm a stay at home mom of two, my son is 16 months and my daughter is 8. I've been married to my husband Bobby for 3 1/2 years. I live in Hueytown and am so excited about reading some other Alabama blogs. Thanks!

Sabrina Kay said...

Glad to be in touch with some fellow writers in BAMA!!!!!

Jamie said...

Hi! My name is Jamie and I live in metro B'ham. Since I have this frustrating habit of “chasing rabbits” when I speak - my blog tends to be a different "rabbit" every day.

I'm a social work event planner, single, sister, daughter, aunt, fairy godmother, friend, teacher, small group leader, volunteer, consumer, and Christ follower.

I look forward to stalking all the Bama Bloggers!

Dave Robison said...

Just found you via a Twitter follower.

I'm Dave Robison, and I blog at On The Road With Dave Dot Com, been there about 5 years. Live in Mobile, Alabama and I love meeting and talking to new readers.

huntsville said...

fantastic idea. Perhaps we need a meetup

Brandi said...

I can't wait to meet some of you.

Anonymous said...

Howdy, Robert Cain here.

I run two blogs, which is my technical blog, and where we post user group or other technical events of interest to people in Alabama.

Look forward to meeting folks this Thursday.

Amber said...

Hi, I'm Amber and I am pretty new to the blogging world. I pretty much just blog about my family life. Hope you enjoy. I am excited about reading more about people around our great state!

Stacey said...

Hi, my name is Stacey and I blog at Staceystace. My posts are anything from something I am learning to what's going on with my kids to the lamest thing I did today. :) I am 34 years old, married, mom to three. I am also in college right now working on my teaching degree - so homework pretty much rules our world nine months out of the year.

Thanks for setting this up! It is so nice to meet other bloggers in our area.

rduclos said...

Hello, I'm Ryan Duclos

I run the Lower AL .Net User Group ( and blog at

morgan823 said...

I'm new to blogging but try and post several times a week. I can't wait to read everyone else's blog and hopefully make new friends.

Suburban Oblivion said...

Hi there! My name is Sara and I am a blogger down here in Mobile, AL. My site is and I can be found on Twitter at @subrbanoblivion . Looking forward to reading all the blogs!

Jennifer said...

What a great idea!

Let's see, I'm Jennifer and we live in Bridgeport, Alabama (the extreme northeast corner of the state), about 45 minutes from Huntsville. My hubby grew up here and we have recently settled here with our own family. My family is from Birmingham, so I frequently visit there. I look forward to meeting other Alabama bloggers.

Holly @ The Centsible Shopper said...

What a fabulous idea! I'm looking forward to meeting some of my fellow Alabama bloggers.
I created The Centsible Shopper as a tool to assist my family and friends in their quest to become better stewards by shopping strategically, it has become a place where all can gather, share cost cutting ideas and hopefully save a few cents. I hope to see you there!

Liz said...

Hi Rachel, This is Liz in Fosters, Alabama! Raised in the country, lived here all my life, and at 43 there is sooooooo much to write about country living, which is what I do! I just got starting blogging. I'm going to get started reading the blogs on here, and it was sure nice to meet ya'll!

Brooklyn said...

hi everyone! i love blogging as a creative outlet and i love seeing ya'lls blogs too! my cavie, my theologian, and i blog here, so check us out along with all my inspirational sources.

Karie said...

Finally! That's awesome... I'm going to go through and add everyone. I need some local bloggers!

I'm 23 and live near Birmingham.

Carol ReMarks said...

Holy crimany! I've been wanting this for such a long time and have failed many attempts to make this happen myself. Good on you for getting it done. I SO want to be a part of this. THANK YOU and I'll pay attention and get acquainted with the things work around here and I'll get involved. THANK YOU!

Carol ReMarks said...

and by the way, I'm in Huntsville.

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Hey Rachael! I think networking is a great idea.
Please add me to your "Somewhere in Alabama" section.
I look forward to getting to know my fellow Bama bloggers.

Stephen said...

Hey everybody. I'm Stephen Vinson in Birmingham. I am blogging about my weight loss program. I love photography and anything computer related.

B. Russell said...

Hello Everyone! My name is B. Russell and I'm currently writing on three blogs: Pretty Boy Living (men's fashion), Modern Birmingham Bride and I love Chick Fil A
Lets support and enjoy one another's work! I'm in Birmingham.

David Ray Carter said...

Hi Everyone! Just found out about this site today and wanted to get involved as soon as I could.

My blog is here:
I'm a film critic here in Bham and I blog about movies, music, TV, and life in general.

Come on by, I promise it will be fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm Leslie and I blog from our home in Tuscaloosa. I write book reviews and blog about parenting, Jesus, and whatever is on my mind. Nice to "meet" you and thanks for adding me to the list!

Tracey said...

So glad to have found this site! I am a Minister's wife, Mother, Realtor, transplant from Georgia to Montgomery, Alabama 9 years ago!

lovingmytwoboys said...

Hi! I'm Elizabeth and have grown up in the Ham! I took a short hiatus to GA for almost 3 years but am back. I am a single mom to my 2 precious boys and am back at school getting my teaching degree! I love my blog and really just do it for myself- anyone who gets something out of it is a bonus! I blog mostly about my life and my boys but also about scrapbooking and crafting! Would love to be a blogger like Stephanie H. or Virginia T. but that will have to wait til school is over! This blog is great and so neat to be able to connect with my fellow Alabamians!


Hello Rachel! I am Karen, a Florida native who has now lived in Alabama over half of her life. I am a ministers wife, a high school Spanish teacher, professional singer...dealing with aging parents who now live with me. I sing at our churches Praise and Worship service. I can't wait to be part of the Alabama gang of bloggers.

Lee Ann said...

Great idea-Alabama Bloggers! So nice to know about so many other bloggers in our wonderful state. Thanks for connecting us & for including me:)-LA

Tracy Bentley said...

Hi !! I am Tracy from Feed-Sack Cooking. I am from Columbiana, Al and I have been married for 20 years and we have a five year old son. He is our blessing becuase it took us so long to have him. He starts to Kindergarten thsi year. I work full time at the SC Bd of Ed in accounting. I love to coupon, being a frugal mom, cooking, crafting, photography and train chasing. My family loves trains. Look forward to meeting everyone.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I'm Susan at Blackberry Creek Home Arts. I have been blogging since 2006 and I love it. My other hobbies are quilting, sewing, and reading mostly. I also like to cook when I feel like it. I live in Leeds.

Chigger Hill Cottage said...

I stumbled upon this site and glad I did! I am a full time sewer/sewist/seamstress and love every minute of it! Am a wife, mother, grandmother, and business owner. Love to write, dabble in photography,design children's clothing, and ride 4 wheelers! Thank you God for all!

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

So glad to have found this site! I married my childhood-sweetheart 3 1/2 years ago and we have a 6 1/2 month old baby boy. I have a degree in Interior Design and I worked in the industry for 3 years before becoming a stay-at-home mom. I enjoy occasionally working from home.

My blog is I write about everything from baby stuff to decorating. You can read more about me in the "about me" section on my blog. How original is that?! Ha!

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

I guess I should have added that I'm from the North Alabama area.

Ashley said...

I received a comment on my blog to link up with the Alabama Bloggers so here I am. I live in Guntersville with my husband and daughter. I have a lot of family and friends all over the country so this is the best way for them to feel apart of our everyday lives. We are also buiding a new home, and I try to blog each important part of buiding. Excited about seeing other blogs and learning new blog tricks!

Ashley said...

I received a comment on my blog to link up with the Alabama Bloggers so here I am. I live in Guntersville with my husband and daughter. I have a lot of family and friends all over the country so this is the best way for them to feel apart of our everyday lives. We are also buiding a new home, and I try to blog each important part of buiding. Excited about seeing other blogs and learning new blog tricks!

KBeau said...

Thanks, Rachel, for maintaining this site. I intended to link up when you first started it, but somehow life got in the way.

First was a trip to Annapolis for my son's graduation and the birth of our granddaughter. Well, the birth didn't happen until we were pulling back into Birmingham. She was 11 days late, so graduation came and went without Lauren's arrival.

Then I returned to Annapolis to help them move to Savannah. Then they came to Birmingham to visit, along with my youngest son, his wife and my mother.

Then another visit from family in mid-July with a family wedding in Memphis.

Finally, I've got a minute or two.

I've lived in Birmingham since 1989, but I'm originally from Arkansas. In 1991 I began a new career as a builder. Now I build and remodel houses.

I started my blog almost a year ago at the suggestion of my youngest son. I blog about all sorts of things--whatever pops into my head.

Bettina Byrd-Giles said...

My name is Bettina. I have been blogging less than a year. I have two blogs: The Intercultural Post at is based upon my life's work.

The second blog, Lessons from an 80's Alumna,, is focused on being 40 and all the things I have learned along the way. It also incorporates being a mom of a toddler while rebuilding a career.

Deb said...

Hi Rachel,

Love your idea of an Alabama blog roll!

I live in Wetumpka and started blogging in May.

I've discovered that blogging is a lot like going to yard sales. People who go to yard sales want to do the following:

Get there.
Get something.
Get to the next one.

So, that's the essence of my blogging philosophy.

I blog because I have a dream.

And I write about the One who gave it to me.

Sweet dreams, y'all!

Bettina Byrd-Giles said...

Deb. Your formula is quite helpful.

Jeff Vandiver said...

Cool! This is a great idea. I'm in Russellville, and have a gardening/building/composting/propagating blog. People call me EG (short for engineeredgarden), and I'm glad I came across this site.


JD Crowe said...

I'm JD Crowe, editorial cartoonist for the Mobile Press-Register. I post my daily cartoons and rant about politicians, pigs, name it. Alabama is blessed with an abundance of cartoon-able resources. Stop in for a visit.

Summer Gypsy said...

Hello there,
I have been blogging since January, 2008! I'm so excited that I have found a network of neighbors! I live in the Clay-Pinson area. I am a private math tutor. Can't wait to visit each of you and say hello. Please visit me, too!

cewmont said...

Hi--Just ran across this site and wanted to join in. I'm new to the "blogosphere" and just working on finding my little niche. I have three friends who work at blogging and thought I'd give it a try. funny thing is, I had all kinds of ideas before I actually got my own blog page! and now it seems like I only get ideas while driving and never have time to put my thoughts down on my blog. I'll get it all figured out though! I have also just started a photo blog that I think i am going to really enjoy. Looking forward to spending time looking through the list of other Alabama Bloggers!

Southern Femme said...

So great to have a Alabama blogging community! I just moved back to AL from NYC after working for a fashion forecasting company. I now write a fashion blog to spread the NYC fashion knowledge I obtained with southern fashionistas!

Lisa M. Garver said...

Hi Rachel and fellow Alabamians.I am new to the blogosphere and I was told about Alabama bloggers by some other bloggers. I am a born and raised Bama girl so I had to stop by!

Holley T said...

Hi Rachel, I found your blog via a link back from Travis' Books and Publishing, which you featured not too long ago! I am a librarian here in town and I work too much...I don't really have any other redeeming qualities :-)

Becca's Dirt said...

It's great to find this blog linking everyone in Alabama. I have put up my link. I blog about gardening and my pal Buddy and a few other things sprinkled in. I am in the Mobile area - Citronelle.

Edward G. Roberts said...

Howdy, I'm Edward and I have a blog. Blogging is new to me, and I am new to the blogosphere. I do not have blogs - only one. I used to have a website before there were bloggers, but now that I have joined the craze I can say that I have blogged. I can't think of any more forms of the word 'blog' so I will end this blogment.

Kate said...

Hi everyone! I am so excited to join the blogging world! I hope you will all check out and enjoy my blog!

I have always been a writer and this is such a great way for me to start writing again! It's a great way to explore the ideas in my head and it gives me a reason to try new things in my life! I hope you will check out the blog!


collier1960 said...

Greetings everyone.
I will be moving back to Alabama later this month and wanted to go ahead and join the Alabama Bloggers.
I'm an Architect and my main blog is for and about blogging Architects.
Take a look if you like:

Consignment Chic said...

Hi Rachel. My name is Tracy. I live in Birmingham also and found this site through Tales from Bloggeritaville. What a great idea!
I founded Consignment Chic, LLC,, which is the online community for consignment shoppers complete with online consignment shopping. Our online store, consisting of items from stores across the country, is going "live" tomorrow! We are very excited! The Chic Blog consists of anything and everything pertaining to consignment shopping.

Tracy-Collage Consignment said...

Hi Rachel. My name is Tracy Dismukes, and I am the owner of Collage Designer Consignment in Vestavia and Homewood and Collage Plus Sizes in Vestavia. I blog about the happenings at Collage and consignment shopping in general.
I am so excited about being connected with so many Alabama Bloggers. You can follow Collage on twitter @collageconsign.

d$ said...

Hi! This is a great site! I tried to email you, but it keeps asking me to go through Microsoft Outlook, which I don't use, and since I can't find an email, then I'll have to get to you this way... My name is David, and I'm in Birmingham, AL, and I started my blog back in 2005, and am proud to say a few weeks ago, I just did my 500th post!

My blog is about everything and nothing all at once, lots of pop culture and movies, music and the world around us, thoughts and reflections on the God we love and serve and anything else I can think of. I hope you can visit and enjoy it--its always a work in progress.

I'm hoping to get "Clouds In My Coffee" added to the Blog List, I reckon in the Birmingham section...

I also do a yearly commentary on 9/11, so if you're looking for something more meaningful, then Friday would be the time to check it.

Thanks and will link to your site in the next day or so!


The Crimson Elephant said...
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The Crimson Elephant said...

Hey 'Bama bloggers! :-)

For those who love University of Alabama football or just the SEC in general be sure to follow my blog.

This is just my place on the net to share the facts, give opinions, and just have a little fun while sharing my love of University of Alabama football! ROLL TIDE!

Vickie said...

Hi Rachel! I live in Birmingham and I am a nurse at Brookwood. My blog, Uncommon Artistic Endeavors, features recipes, crafts, and entertaining ideas with step by step photos that go with each post. I have had the blog for 3 years now. Thank you for making it possible to network with other bloggers from Alabama!

Elenie said...

Hey hey! I am a new blogger, and I am still trying to figure it all out. So far, I love it! What an awesome idea to put all of us Al bloggers in one spot! :)

Holly said...

Great Site..I just found it tonight. I am a homeschooling mom to 6 little ones 7 & under. I blog on about good deals and frugal living. I enjoy helping people to save their hard earned money:)

Kyle G. Crider said...

What a great idea! Thanks for doing this. My name is Kyle, and I am building the "Strange Alabama" blog (web site, Flickr group, etc.) for Alabama's quaint, curious, and forgotten lore. Hope to see y'all there!

Robin said...

Hey! I'm Robin, and I live in the tiny little town of Munford, in Eastern Alabama. Munford is right off I-20, 60 miles from Birmingham and 100 miles from Atlanta.

I have been married for 21 years. I have a 17 y.o., surviving-triplet daughter, and a 7 y.o. son.

I started blogging in December 2008 as a way to motivate myself to get projects done around this house. It has turned into so much more!

I have enjoyed getting to know so many people from all over the world!

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Hi Rachel!

So good to run into you in the Bloggy world! Glad to see you are going well in Mommyhood!

Love this site, I'm a contributor for and have a personal blog, - hope to meet some of you bloggers soon!

Marie said...

I've only got a minute but it's past time for me to go ahead and do my intro! I'm Marie. I blog about things that swirl around in my head and my favorite subject, my little guy, Jack. I love being a Mom! I also work outside our home and get to meet all sorts of interesting people that teach me alot about life.

Unknown said...

Come check out B'hams newest site for Moms!!

Birmingham Mom Online is your guide to all things Birmingham!

Want to know where the hottest birthday parties for kids are taking place? Trying to find something to do with the kids so they don't drive you nuts? Or maybe your thinking of taking the family out to dinner tonight and want to know where all the kid friendly hot spots are?

Whatever it is your looking for, we will help you find it!

Rhonda said...

I am looking forward to getting to know more Alabama bloggers! I live in the southeast corner of Alabama. I blog about my family and our every day lives. I also use a lot of my photography in my blog. Can't wait to start reading all of these Alabama Blogs!

Micha @ Cookin' Mimi said...
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Abbie Basket Hound said...

Hi Rachel! I am Abbie the Basket Hound. I am a sassy, full-figured gal with attitude and appetite. My human and I love to blog, I, of course, being her greatest influence! When I am not blogging, I'm sleeping, cruising the counter, or being adored by my humans. Come visit me sometime.

Summer, but I do go by "Mommy" said...

Hola Rachel (and the countless others reading this) I'm Summer. I too have an amazin husband and a two year old. I also have a two month old. Out of the 4 of us in my little family I'm the only one who's XX instead of XY. I like to think I'm funny and intelligent, but I guess that's for my followers to decide (speaking of which I am in desperate need of followers!). My mother introduced me to blogging so I'm still learning but, thanks to you, I can learn and get to know my fellow Bamians! I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Tony M said...

Hi. Found out about this through a friend, for the Alabama Bloggers meetup, and I must admit, I thought, "A single meetup for Alabama Bloggers... 4 hours away from me. Great." :) Probably won't be able to attend, but I've now joined the list of Alabama Bloggers. And one of my favorite numbers is 2 - and I got three of them in "my number" on the list!

As for my blog - well, you really never know what you'll find there. I'm not blogging as regularly as I used to, but there are plenty in my archives for you to read. From utter nonsense to utter sense, it's all there.

If you care, I grew up (mainly) near Birmingham (Center Point), was away for a while (Navy), and then resettled in Huntsville for ten years before moving south to Daphne (across the bay from Mobile) just over a year ago. And my main blog title, [LAPSE... brain dead] is an extension of an old BBS forum I ran back in the early 90s (on a BBS in Massachusetts), with pretty much the same content as my new blog. Enjoy!

Sandy Shirley said...

Hi Rachel! I live near Montgomery and have a crafting blog called RaggedySandy. I blog mostly about the raggedy dolls that I make.

Tammy said...

Hey! I had no idea this even existed. Wow, I love knowing that there are so many other bloggers in Alabama.

Unknown said...

Hello fellow Alabama Bloggers!!! This is a great idea and I am excited about learning about everyone. I am a mother a mother of three boys in Mobile, AL. I have three blogs really. My personal blog, Kassia's Blog, is generally about anything I can come up with. My family, random meaningless thoughts, hot current news, my favorite things, and more. Then there is my business blog I just started, J.E.M. Business Solutions Online Newsletter. It is to help small businesses and those looking for employment. And lastly there is my family blog, Kassia's Family Blog, that I post only about my family and things in Mobile, Alabama.

Andrew said...

Hey y'all! I'm Drew, 29 from East Walker County. I have an awesome wife of 6 years and 2 girls, a 3 1/2 year old and a 4 month old.

I've been wanting to do a distinctly Southern blog for a while since I have taken up the duty of "Southern Culture Coach" with my fellow employees from up North. I didn't consider myself a true "blogger" until I surprisingly got featured here yesterday (11/16/2009) on Jamie's Center Stage.

Hope to get more active here, as well as my blog and at meetups!

Missy Wertz said...

I thought I had linked up here before, but could not find my link, so adding my blogs!

Mommy Bear said...

Hi! My name is Beth and I blog at
The blog is a collection of our life's most precious moments, photography, reviews/giveaways, and parenting. I am married to a wonderful man and we have two beautiful children.

MARY said...

I live in North Central Alabama. We just built and moved into our new home this September. I am a stay at home mom of two sweet girls 5 and 2.
My loves mostly in order: God,hubby,girls,painting(not walls), food,coffee.

Cheri said...
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Cheri said...

We just moved here over Thanksgiving and I am looking forward to meeting some new friends. I am originally from PA (don't hate me) and I have a wonderful hubby (of course) and 3 grown daughters, two of them blog, one granddaughter, and 2 fur kids. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Brittany Trotman said...

Hi, I live in Birmingham, and I am the Editor of It's a site covering all areas of beauty, but most importantly inner beauty. I also blog for the Southern Beauty Magazine website ( I hope that you'll stop by my site, and I also hope to meet some of you!

LK Whitney said...

Awesome resource in AL! Thanks, Rachel!!

LK Whitney said...

Awesome resource for AL! Thanks, Rachel!

Nicole said...

Hi! I am Nicole Abdou and am also a blogger out of Birmingham (Hoover to be exact!) I am married to the love of my life - an awesome egyptain. No kids, I work full time for a non-profit as a Marketing/Communications Director in 3 states. I attend a fabulous church in town - Prince of Peace - and I am originally from Georgia. Anything and everything else can be found at -
See everyone soon!

Unknown said...

Cool idea. Great networking site. I look forward to checking out all of the links.

Sweet Home and Garden Carolina said...

Hello from the Windy City of Chicago where this 'Bama Belle' is colder than a chigger's belly button !

I was born in Jasper but grew up in Winfield.

I've been blogging for three years now and for my efforts received Google's Blog of Note. They have a committee that travels the blogosphere seeking out blogs they feel merit the award and walah ! one morning you wake and find that you've had a hundred thousand visitors at your door.

I look forward to visiting the 'bama ' blogs on this list.

Bettina Byrd-Giles said...


Burhop said...

Hi Rachel,

Wow... I'm way behind. This started back in may!If it wasn't for the snow today, I wouldn't have seen this page.

Anyway, I have a company blog with Siemens PLM. I also have a personal blog where I talk mostly technology and social media and anything that is virtual and 3D.


Mr. Macabre said...

Deep in the heart of Northport lies Mr. Macabre, Hallowe'en fanatic and all around nice guy. I work on building Hallowe'en props all year to try to top the yard display from the year before, and in the between time, blog about it and life in the Deep South. During the day, I'm a mild mannered family business owner who loves the arts.

Belinda said...

What a great idea! I'm a 48 year-old mother of three and wife of one. I began a Christian blog a little over a year ago featuring Christ-centered traditions, family devotions, parties, parent/child dates, spouse dates, etc.

However, the main purpose of my blog was to share my thoughts about my son, Josh, and his illness. It is found by clicking on Josh's Journey on my sidebar.

As time went on, I also began sharing about my oldest son leaving the nest (Austin Update - 1/3 of an Empty Nest), also listed on my sidebar.

I am looking forward to reading new blogs from fellow Alabamians.

Jim said...

Just discovered this via b metro, I am from Birmingham and run three blogs,, and - focusing on Disney vacations, the need for a viable train system in the US and the third is an Alabama beach condo business!

Edwards said...

Hello Rachel, I am Edwardsthegreat and I am also in Birmingham, Al and look forward to posting my blog!

David Appleby said...

Hello all! I'm David in Birmingham. Glad to find this place, Rachel!

Daily Panic said...

Hi! I'm from Dothan. I write three blogs- A day on the orb edge (writing blog), Extraordiany year (devotional blog) and Fightcard (local MMA fight information)
Thanks for adding me - I guess I would fall into the East AL cat.?

Thanks Rachel!

Heather said...

I am so excited about this site, I just found it and have been blogging for about 6 months now. I live in Birmingham with my dear husband and blog about saving money, getting freebies, DIY projects, newlywed life, etc. Can't wait to get to know some of you and your blogs as well!
-Heather @

Janet said...

Great to find this site! I'm Rambling Round and I have been blogging at Selma, Ala., Daily Photo for almost three years. It is part of the city Daily Photo Blogs community. I look forward to visiting all these other Alabama blogs.

Edwards said...

Hello Rachel! I am Billie Edwards. I am very new to the bloggin scene but everyone starts somewhere. I am married and the mother of three, my oldest serves in the United States Navy and i am still learning to cope with her living in another part of the country from me. I am a small business owner, Fireflies Sport Embroidery. We do Embroidery & Monogram service in Helena, Al. We also design custom sports uniforms and t-shirts. Through my business I have been blessed with some of the best and most loyal customers that makes working seem less like a job and more like visits from many friends. I intend on bloggin about my experiences as a small business owner/mom and the many blessings and challenges that it brings. I am always thrilled and rewarded when I see the happy look and excitement on my customers faces when they see the finished product they have ordered. I also enjoy the feeling of pride when I am suprised in public by seeing a child wearing something created in my shop, or a lady carrying a handbag I have worked on. I love my customers because they are my business and I thank God for each and every one of them for doing business with me when they could go elsewhere. I also appreciate you allowing me to post my blog here! Thank you so much Rachel!

Brittany said...

Hey. I'm Brittany at I'm from the Tuscaloosa area! Can't wait to visit some of your blogs and connect with other Alabama bloggers! :)

debsgarden said...

Hi, it's great to find this site for Alabama bloggers. My garden blog is for plant and nature lovers. I garden in Helena and share my garden through photos and commentary. Sometimes I offer a little garden advice. I invite you all to visit my site and see Deb's Garden.

debsgarden said...

Hi, it's great to find this site for Alabama bloggers. My garden blog is for plant and nature lovers. I garden in Helena and share my garden through photos and commentary. Sometimes I offer a little garden advice. I invite you all to visit my site and see Deb's Garden.

Kristen said...

Hello All,
I am Kristen of Montgomery, and I love the idea of reading blogs from people close by...
I blog about my almost 3 yr old, and my family, menus, fun stuff like that (although I am nowhere near as funny as Rachel)

I look forward to reading you!

Meaghan said...

This site is great! I started blogging about 4 months ago and found this site from my dear friend Heather at I am a newly wed currently living in Birmingham who loves the Lord, DYI projects, budgeting, and my puppy Sadie. I am super excited about this idea and hope to meet more Alabama Bloggers!!

MT @

Linda said...

This is a wonderful website! I can't wait to use it to network and meet new people. My blog, "Diary of a Terrible Temp" is updated at least once a week. We are always interested in people sharing their ideas and stories. Our business, AdminaSave is located in Vestavia/Birmingham. We mostly do administrative outsourcing jobs, but we specialize in all things business related. We can do printing, mailing, calling, marketing, email campaigns, lead generation, website, IT support, etc. We can act as an answering service while you are away from you desk and prepare presentations for you. If you have any questions, please visit our website or email

Shannon Holmes said...

Hi Fellow Bloggers!
I am a Realtor and former Interior Designer living in Hoover. I have a wonderful husband and 5 great children. My entire family has been active in just about everything the city has to offer, so I love writing and taking pictures to show off Birmingham. I can't wait for the meetup - Sounds Like FUN!!!

Jules said...

Hi! I am so excited to find your blog. I am Jules and my blog is "Dump the Rump." I am trying to dump mine by training for a 5K run following the "From Couch to 5K" training plan. Looking forward to reading all these blogs and meeting everyone!

Bama Belle said...

I am so happy to be joining up with Alabama bloggers! Thank you so much for having me! I blog about decorating, entertaining, cooking and my family. Come on by and have a glass of sweet tea sometime!

ScottW said...

I'm Scott Wilson. I presently work for the B'ham News and blog about Linux, Life & Open Source Alternatives in our everyday lives at

Yes, I'm a geek of sorts but not your everyday geek. ;)

My wife teaches 4th grade and we live in Leeds, AL. where we find time to spoil our grandkids as much as possible.

I can also be found on Twitter under @wilsonsway. Hope to 'see' you around.

Amy C said...

Hi! I am Amy from Mobile and my blog is Those Funny Little Girls.

Anonymous said...


No seriously. Hey.

My name is PlaiduhPus (Ms. Plaidy if you're nasty)...okay, no, no, no...I can take this seriously.

Deep breaths. Lemme start again.

Really, I go by Plaidy. I'm 25. I'm hot. I have a little blog over at and I'm funny. Like really funny. You're more convinced now that I've said it right? Thought so.

I blog about:

PCOS (cause I have it), IF (because I can't haz bebez), video games (and all the geeky things that fuel me), my relatively boring life, and oh yeah! I do have one miracle baby. I talk about her. A lot. She's awesome. Way cooler than your kid. Maybe.

I'm originally from Huntsvegas, AL and getting ready to move back two weeks actually. We miss it. My hubby's a Rocket Scientist. I'm a blogger and stepford wife reject. WOO! forewarned...I use profanity, have unconventional ideas about religion and politics and I blast nerdcore on my blog. SO DEAL WITH IT.

(I'm kidding...I'm in love with you...)

Marian said...

Hi! I'm Marian. I was born and raised in Tuscaloosa, but have lived in Baton Rouge for 34 years. My husband David is also a native of Tuscaloosa. We are proud owners of season tickets to all Bama home games, so we return often. My older son John graduated from LSU and my younger son graduated from Bama. A house divided--sort of!

Belinda, A Simple Life said...

I am a 48 year-old wife and mother of three (two sons - 19 and 16 years old and one daughter - 13 years old). I have been married 22 years.

I accepted Christ as my personal Savior when I was 12 years-old, and I am proud to be a Christian first, but also a member of the Southern Baptist denomination. I love reading blogs relating to scrapbooking, photography and families in general.

I enjoy planning parties, trips, and outings which involve my family. I especially love all things traditional, whether it is a holiday or Family Movie Night or Family Game Night, etc.

As my family has begun to grow older, I've enjoyed taking the traditions we practiced as a family with young children and adapting them to fit our family of teenagers. Challenging, but well worth the effort!

Vanessa C. said...

Hello! I was so excited to find a group of Alabamians! My name is Vanessa, and I am a wife and mother of seven in central Alabama. My passion is scrapbooking, paper crafts, homeschooling, and my faith in God. It's a crazy busy life, but it's my life and I wouldn't change a thing!!!

Eastern Shore Mom said...

Hi Y'all! I am thrilled to have found this site. My name is Aubrey and I author! I am excited to have found a group of Alabamians like me!

Karon said...

Glad to be a part of the group! It'll be great to get to meet up in person one day :) Thanks, Rachel, for all your hard work. God bless, karon :)

Amy said...

Hi, I am still new to blogging and trying to find exactly where I fit in but right now I am just sharing my daily walk with Christ, my family and my friends. I am looking forward to meeting more great online friends here in my home state.

Carol said...

Just found this blog. It looks like fun!

Hope said...

Looking forward to getting to know more AL Bloggers!

Hope said...

I look forward to meeting other AL bloggers and enjoying your work/fun :)

Lindley said...

Hi! I'm a working wife and mom, and I just started blogging about the challenges of being an interfaith family in Alabama.

Debby said...

Nice to meet everyone. I am happy to join the 'hood. I am a Christian SAHM of 3, living in Birmingham for the past 8 years. I am originally from Kansas, but have lived all over the US. I typically blog about conservative politics from a decidedly left-of-center perspective.

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel, although I live in the ATL, I consider myself an Alabamian by marriage. Both of my sons are even graduates of UA. It's great to find a site where I can keep up on things going on in the Birmingham area. I blog about decorating, gardening and anything else I can think of.

Sunny said...

I am a "misplaced person" from Arkansas. We have been living about 20 miles north of Abbeville since 2006. My blog is about anything that pops into my mind. Today I even shared a recipe. I live with my husband and dog. All of us are retired, although our dog retired early. Just as soon as we got him he retired.

Heather said...

I'm so glad I found this site. It is nice to know who is blogging nearby.

Heather said...

I'm so glad I found this site. It is nice to know who is blogging nearby. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm Mrs. Graves and I run a little blog called "Family Plots - Join The Graves!" I had a different blog previously but decided to dedicate one entirely to my little family. Family Plots is less than a week old but growing bit by bit. I blog almost entirely about my family and the day to day of my life. I sprinkle each blog with little anecdotes and interpretations of things going on in the real world and I how I think they apply to my family but Family Plots is meant to be a humorous and fun read...nothing too serious!

Helen Ellis said...

I'm an Alabama Ex-Pat living in Manhattan.

I've had two novels published that feature Tuscaloosa (Eating the Cheshire Cat) and an Alabama gal displace in NYC (The Turning: What Curiosity Kills).

I'm a novelist, housewife, and Luddite. And so, I vlog about those lifestyles. Check out and see me demo how to use a rotary phone ( or flip our king-size mattress (!

Helen Ellis

Cathy Reisenwitz said...

Cool idea. I blog about internet marketing and I'm Birmingham-based.

Beverly Everson said...

Hi! I live in Foley, AL and I'm a portrait and nature photographer. My website is and my daily blog is a photo-a-day blog. God has certainly blessed us and I enjoy helping people see things that they may have missed or see them in a different way. He has created a beautiful world for us and, especially these days, we need to focus on the blessings rather than always focusing on the negative.
Thanks for this community! Stop by when you get a chance!

Hannah Jo said...

Hey Rachel! I have been away from blogging for a while, but have started up with new determination! I am now blogging at

Christina said...

I'd love to be added to the list of Alabama bloggers. I'm a mom to two boys in Birmingham. I write about family, books, crafts, food, life in general. And I give a spotlight to fabulous things on Fridays.

dzineguy said...

A friend recommended your site to link with Alabama bloggers, so ... here I am! Thanks for putting this together.

Christen said...

Glad I found this!

Jon Lewis said...

Hi Rachel. I'm Jon, and I'm an attorney in Birmingham. We are consumer attorneys, and we help people who have been injured or have family members who have been injured or killed as a result of another's negligence or wrongdoing. We help individuals in car wrecks, cycling accidents, dog bites, work related accidents, medical malpractice, etc. We also help people who have been defrauded or have other consumer issues.

We blog to educate people on what we do and on other legal issues. We also want to dispell the myth that we are all cheesy, money grubbing attorneys. We have helped hundreds of people, and many of those have commented on our website at We have experience and compassion, and we have developed a respect among our peers (See

We are honored to be part of Alabama Bloggers, and we look forward to learning more about other Alabama bloggers through this site.

Julie said...

So I found this site thanks to my wonderful friend, Gina. I am an Alabama Ex-Pat who still has strong ties to the state I love and it's fabulous football team, the Crimson Tide. I am the newlywed wife of a sheriff's deputy and step mom to one 6 year old boy who all currently live in Austin, TX. We also have a rowdy 4 year old beagle who is our loving furchild.

Southern Soiree said...

Wow, I feel like I am so late to the party but would love to join in! What a great idea.

My REAL name is Courtney, and I also live here in Birmingham. I write a dining and entertaining blog for Birmingham Magazine. I also have a personal blog ( that is more dedicated to cooking and recipes- sadly, I do not update that one as often as the B'ham mag blog (but I'm working on it!).

The Cliff Notes version of me - I have a past in Event Planning and currently work in Marketing. My passions include my faith, my family, my friends, reading, cooking, food, ballet and travel. My four favorite food groups are bread, cheese, chocolate and wine, and I may or may not be slightly obsessed with Harry Potter. :)

I look forward to meeting all of you!

Judi said...

Hello! I am neither a writer nor a photographer but there is nothing I'd rather do than blog! I blog about whatever interests me at the moment or share what I think others might enjoy also. I have recently moved back to Birmingham and I am thrilled to have stumbled upon this group.

Matt Gray said...

Rachel, this is a great idea! Thanks for making it happen! My name is Matt Gray and I have a new blog about Eco Friendly Ways to Grow Your Business. I look forward to meeting other Alabama Bloggers soon!

Beth said...

I have a new blog I started about 6 months ago: The Neat Get Neater. Feel free to stop by :)

ScottW said...

Started a new site in July for bloggers called RSS Birmingham where I focus on Birmingham's bloggers and their work, passions and lives.

One of the features is what I call Blogger Profiles where a local blogger fills out a form and it's featured for all to read about them, how they got started, what they blog about, etc. It's been interesting to learn about the local folks here.

The front page of the site is a hodgepodge of RSS Feeds from many of these local bloggers that is alphabetical to make it easier to find what/who you're looking for.

I'm also running features on local functions here like BarCamp, WordCamp, Ignite Birmingham, etc. to help promote Birmingham and what it really has to offer.

Drop by for a visit sometime. I'd be glad to have you!

Green Door Girl said...

Hi - I am new to blogging and Alabama :) I have been here about a year in the great city of Auburn! I blog about my kids, my projects (home and otherwise), my side business, and anything else that strikes my fancy! I am excited to join this group!

CraftyHope said...

I just sent in my name and link I'm in Fairhope and have been blogging for a while but just discovered you via another blog. I'm so glad to see you're doing this and apologize for just now finding you.

My blog is CraftyHope where I write about my jewelry making and other crafts, cooking, thrifting, traveling and other day to day adventures, and where I share links to stuff I find interesting on the web. I never know what I might stick on there!

I can't wait to explore some of the blogs you've got on The List and already see some I recognize!!

Anonymous said...

I just posted my blog and I put my first and last name. My mac must have filled in the last name when I wasn't looking. Can you delete my last name please? If you can't that is fine. Sorry to be any trouble. :)

Cyn said...

My name is Cynthia Miller. I live in Birmingham and I began blogging in August 2010. My blog is to show victims of domestic violence that there is love, happiness, and success after surviving domestic violence. If I can make a difference in just one woman's life then my blog effort is worth it. I just found this website and I am looking forward to getting to know everyone.

Gina said...

So glad to have found this site. Can't wait to explore it and click on all the great Alabama bloggers sites.

I just started blogging about dog parks, trails, and all things dogs around the Birmingham area.

Janet said...

I'm RamblingRound and just added a new blog, The 3R Ranch, to the list. Come visit my ranch where we enjoy the rural life!

Unknown said...

Great idea, Rachel. The meetup related to Birmingham Restaurant Week will be fun and a good way for sites to promote a great event.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this site. Was not aware of it until today.

C H R I S T I said...

Hello there! I am also in Bham and love that I found this site!

Jenny said...

Thank you for this site! What a great way to make connections with our blogging neighbors!

Would love for you to visit!

Rebekah said...

Hi, I'm Rebekah! I'm married and a mom to 3 girls. I'm a stay-at-home mom who is re-learning who I am and what I like. I like to get real with people, so most of my blog posts are about the real me...the things most people won't talk about, especially publicly!

Just call me "B" said...

I'm Brittney, those that love me...just call me B!

I'm a SAHM, blogging for a few years of just the little bits of every day life.

I'm a Christian, runner, scrapbooker, and a little bit more!

So glad I found this site!

Sharon @ Crooked Creek Studio said...

This is a great site, Rachel! Thanks for putting this together. I was transferred to AL from MS 4 yrs ago because of my job. I live in McCalla and work in Birmingham for a federal law enforcement agency. Now that my husband & I are here and away from our grown son & daughter and 5 grandchildren, I decided to start a blog as a way to document some of the creative aspects of our family and to share some of the day-to-day adventures of being a potter and artist. When my grandkids are old enough to read, I hope they'll enjoy reading my blog. Work takes up a huge amount of my time, so I don't know many AL folks yet, so I look forward to making some connections here.

Wade Kwon said...

Just added our new site, Magic City Post.

Please stop by to check our positive daily updates about Birmingham and the metro area.

Donya Deal said...

Hello all!

This is Donya … teacher, mother, wife, and friend in constant search of a good book, a fabulous meal, and an unforgettable trip! I use my blog to document the ordinary but beautiful moments in life that we sometimes forget to pay tribute to; I started it in effort to become more positive and grateful for the precious moments I am blessed with in life. Hope you enjoy, and I’m looking forward to meeting you all!

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