Monday, August 10, 2009

Center Stage: Fabulously Frugalicious

by Jamie

Welcome back to
Center Stage where we take a fanfare look at one of the many great blogs being churned out here in Alabama. You can find past spotlights here.

Who doesn't like to save a buck here and there? Who has a serious case of stuff-itis? No? Oh, me either.

I'm always looking for a way to rationalize feeding my craving to buy lovelies. Trina to the rescue!

Fabulously Frugalicious
Trina at Fabulously Frugalicious provides a great resource for all things cheap AND sassy. Gentlemen, are you still with me? I first fell for her blog once I realized we shared a love of Lost, high heels, and extra wads of cash remaining in our bank accounts.

You don't have to share Trina's obsession with all things peacock to want to be her friend. She focuses on fashion, beauty, and general frugliciousness in a way that encourages you to kick poor spending habits in the face and look gorgeous while doing it.

Fabulously Frugalicious points you in the direction of more than a dozen other sites which will keep you on the stewardship straight and narrow. I particularly love that Trina introduced me to her "pretend BFF" Kandee. She is now my fake friend too.

Jamie is a planner of events by day and chaser of shiny things by night. Follow her trails at Jamie's Rabbits. If you'd like to have your blog featured on "Center Stage" then contact Jamie so she can swing by your neck of the internet woods. Please know she sometimes shows up uninvited, so you may see your blog on stage if she really digs it.


Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

I just found Trina (via a twitter friend) sometime in the past few weeks, and I have come to LOVE her blog and fashion sense! I am hoping that some of her fabulousness will just ooze through my computer screen onto me.....I can only dream!

Valerie said...

I also like Trina - her blog and Twitter. Plus she is absolutely gorgeous!

Trina said...

Oh wow! Thank you for the spotlight and what a witty post ;) Jamie's got a great way with words. I love it!

Jamie thank you for all the nice things you said. That really made my day! Megan and Valerie, thank you for your sweet comments as well! You guys rock!

Amber Dupree said...

I have to agree. Love Trina & her blog (won't mention that I also love her hair).

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!