Monday, September 28, 2009

Center Stage: Wade On Birmingham

By Jamie

Welcome back to
Center Stage where we take a fanfare look at one of the many great blogs being churned out here in Alabama. You can find past spotlights here.

Wade Kwon is smart. And connected. And possibly part of the Salty Ham Mob.
Wade on Birmingham
Maybe not that last one.

I met Wade from Wade on Birmingham a few months back at an Alabama Bloggers meet-up. I managed to milk him for all he was worth. Ideas and inspiration with a side of BBQ.

He also offers a hefty dish of perspective on all things happening in Birmingham-at-large. He covers cultural events, breaking news, and features on the overlooked side of this great city. His history at the Birmingham Post-Herald and Southern Living give his posts a well-written journalistic feel often missing in "city blogs."

Plus, there are haiku. Lots of them.

Jamie is a planner of events by day and chaser of shiny things by night. Follow her trails at Jamie's Rabbits. If you'd like to have your blog featured on "Center Stage" then contact Jamie so she can swing by your neck of the internet woods. Please know she sometimes shows up uninvited, so you may see your blog on stage if she really digs it.


Bettina Byrd-Giles said...

Great choice!

Wade Kwon said...

Thanks, Jamie! This is very flattering, and I am grateful.

Jamie said...

BB-G: I think so too!

WK: I'm choosy so it shows how snazzy your blog is...

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!