Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April Introductions: Drew at Okra Cola

My name is Andrew, though I go by Drew on my blog because I wanted a way to differentiate between normal emails and blog emails. [Aside: Most of my friends from high school call me Drew too.] I started Okra Cola in September 2009 and promised myself if I still had posts in my head, and people (at least a handful) reading them by 2010 I would actually do a custom layout, header and URL and so I did.

I started blogging because I work with many northerners (and "otherners") and they often talked about how different our cultures are. I would then explain things to them and while they were still confused, they sort of understood better. That's what I try to do, explain what we do and why we possibly do it; even though most of us have been doing it for so long that we only do it now because we don't do it any other way. I guess I could be considered an apologist of Southern culture, spreading the gospel of Southernisms to any part of the world that cares to listen.

I also blog because I love when people comment, email or contact me via Facebook or Twitter to say they connected with a post I wrote. That feels good. I'm a musician and a ham and love to connect with people on any level I can.

I have spent most of my time in Walker County, with stints in Tuscaloosa and Hoover, both lasting fewer than 5 years each. I am married to my high school sweetheart (though we went to different high schools) and I have two daughters that I'm raising to spot Southern gentlemen, and am doing my best to teach them how to avoid those who are not.

If you'd like to be featured during April Introductions, email me at

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