Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April Introductions: Belinda Faulkner
A Simple Life

I've been blogging almost two years, and I post about the thing most important to me... family. A Simple Life is divided into five sections.

Monday - Party/Events
Tuesday - Recipes
Wednesday - Seasonal Traditions
Thursday - Blog Linkage AND Child and Spouse Date Ideas
Friday - Weekend Happenings

In the midst of all the "regular" topics, I blog about my family, my son's OCD, my own panic attacks, my first son leaving for college this past year and surviving a house filled with teenagers and friends.

I have contests, monthly Special Guests and a ton of other "stuff" weekly on A Simple Life.

I started a second blog called Belinda's Project 365 in August of last year on my 48th birthday. I have documented this past year with a picture a day (and will continue to do so until my 49th birthday rolls around). It has been fun recording this year in such a unique way.
Belinda's Project 365

I'm learning how to use Alabama Bloggers as I go. It's a great idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post, I subscribed to both of your RSS feeds through Flock. I love the 365 days idea - what a commitment though...I don't think I could keep that up!

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!