See For Yourself is a weekly feature on Alabama Bloggers that gives you a short list of great bloggers that you should be following. Click through to their blogs and see for yourself why!
Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae (Twitter: Vitafamiliae) - Have you ever found yourself sitting around, wondering what it would be like to have seven kids in seven years? No? Well I have - especially in those moments when my two kids, which I had four years apart, are beating me soundly in the game of life. Lora Lynn somehow does the seven kid thing with grace and (mostly) soundness of mind, and manages to take beautiful photographs amidst the chaos. But she also gives a hilariously honest and blunt view of what life is like with seven, and will always keep you entertained.
Nick @ Cupboards (Twitter: Cupboards) - Nick is the owner of a cabinetry business in East Alabama. He does a fabulous job sharing decorating tips on his blog, as well as posts on social media and life in general.
Amy @ Ordinarily Extraordinary (Twitter: AmyKiane) - Amy takes stunning photographs, writes beautiful, thought-provoking posts about the deeper aspects of life, and is a genuinely beautiful person, inside and out. Amy's blog always delivers a wonderful sense of calm and joy.
Will you be featured next week? Check back to See For Yourself! And feel free to make nominations for blogs that should be featured in future See For Yourself articles!
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