Friday, June 29, 2012

June AlaBlogMeet Attendee Links

We had one of our largest AlaBlogMeets to date, with twenty guests!  We met today at Silvertron Café, and enjoyed conversations of every type, both of the blogging and non-blogging variety.  We had several newbies (who hopefully weren’t scared away), and guests who traveled from Jasper, Huntsville and Alexander City!

See how happy all these people look?

June Alablogmeet
Yes.  You too could be that happy if you come to our next meet-up, which incidentally, will be held on Friday, July 27.  Mark your calendar now, and more details will be announced soon.

In the meantime, Social Media Day is being celebrated tomorrow with a tweet-up at J.Clyde – click here for details and to RSVP.  You will also be entered to win a $100 Gift Certificate to J. Clyde if you RSVP in advance!

If you’re looking for the new friends you met today, here is the complete list of attendees.  Please let me know if I left you off or if you would like any information changed.

RachelGrasping for Objectivity and Alabama Bloggers // Twitter: @ObjectivityRach and @AlabamaBloggers

Chris – Husband of Rachel, Contributing Writer and Editor for Grasping for Objectivity // Twitter: @RehpoChris

AmyOrdinarily Extraordinary // Twitter: @AmyKiane

Chanda - Chanda Temple // Twitter: @ChandaTemple

CarolCarol Marks Online and Girl Gad About // Twitter: @camarks

Javacia - Georgia Mae, The Writeous Babe and See Jane Write  // Twitter: @WriteousBabe and @SeeJaneWriteBhm

Wade - Wade Kwon, Birmingham Blogging Academy, and Wade on Birmingham // Twitter: @WadeOnTweets

KatherineGrass Stains // Twitter: @Grass_Stains

Andrew and familyOkraCola // Twitter: @aabrasfield and @OkraCola

BrandiBryants of Bham // Twitter: @BrandiofBham

Carl - New Media Rules and Carl's Lost and Found // Twitter: @MediaGuyCarl

KristanMoney Wise Shopper // Twitter: @MoneyWiseShop

CandiceMom Most Traveled // Twitter: @MomMostTraveled

Sherriyougotrossed // Twitter: @yougotrossed

Irene – No blog yet

JamieJamie’s Rabbits // Twitter: @JamiesRabbits

SummerSummer At Home // Twitter: @SummerAtHome


Wade Kwon said...

Thanks, Rachel! I appreciate all the time and effort you put into this post and this great event!

Andrew B said...

It was a great lunch! Loved seeing everyone and meeting new folks and FINALLY meeting Jamie in person. It was also good to see my former UA classmate Javacia. Thanks for allowing me in the crew even though I fell off the earth for a while. Also thanks for welcoming my fam. Good times.

Carol ReMarks said...

Thanks for posting this and putting it together. I had a blast and can't wait to do it again.

cancan said...

I had fun! Thanks for inviting me! :)

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see a Brasfield anywhere. there are so few of us.

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!