See For Yourself is a weekly feature on Alabama Bloggers that gives you a short list of great bloggers that you should be following. Click through to their blogs and see for yourself why!
The Magic City Post (Twitter: MagicCityPost)- The Magic City Post delivers a constant feed of the positive goings-on in Birmingham. If you're looking for upcoming events, to read about community heroes, or to find out how Birmingham is changing and evolving, you need to be visiting The Magic City Post!
Jen West @ Ordinary to Extraordinary (Twitter: TheJenWestQuest) - Jen's story epitomizes extraordinary. She started her blog on a whim, committing to post photos of herself in a bikini every week until she lost over 40 pounds. She did so, and ended up being featured in Health Magazine, Women's World Magazine, and making appearances on The Rachael Ray Show and Good Morning America! She has continued her blogging journey with a beautiful sense of vulnerability, self-analysis, and goal-making.
Carl Carter @ New Media Rules and Carl's Lost and Found (Twitter: MediaGuyCarl) - Carl offers a media veteran's perspective on social media, politics, traditional media, woodworking, and his precious granddaughter. Variety is his game, and he's a pro! You'll never be bored at his blogs.
Will you be featured next week? Check back to See For Yourself! And feel free to make nominations for blogs that should be featured in future See For Yourself articles!
Excellent picks!
Thanks so much for including us, Carl. We appreciate it so much. Go Birmingham!
That's some pretty hifalutin' company to be included in. I'm humbled and grateful.
That's some pretty hifalutin' company to be included in. I'm humbled and grateful.
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