Thursday, July 23, 2009

Alabamian Blogher Attendees!!

I'm about to fly to Chicago for Blogher '09, one of the biggest blogging conferences for women! I'm excited, scared, panicked, nervous, and intimidated - all at once!

However, I didn't want to miss the opportunity for all of us Alabama attendees to connect, so if you're going to Blogher this weekend, linky in below! Maybe we'll run into each other, and at least have some connection with someone else at the conference!

I'll be looking for you!!


Lianne said...

#1 and #2. Do you have a split-personality or do I get to come and portray the evil twin? :)

I soooo wish I could be there. Paula Deen, for goodness' sakes! Paula Deen!

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

Maybe, just maybe, I'll be there one day....for now? Living vicariously!

Missy Wertz said...

Oh how fun! Rachel, have a great time!

Valerie said...

I so wanted to go!! I'm like Lianne - Paula Deen!!! Dang it. Have lots of fun Rachel!!

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!