Monday, July 27, 2009

Center Stage: Live From the 205

Welcome back to Center Stage where we take a fanfare look at one of the many great blogs being churned out here in Alabama. You can find past spotlights here.

Live from the 205

Live From the 205 is a great stop on your travels in the intertubes. Kim claims she's "crazy in Alabama" and you hope "nuts" is relative since so many of her posts seem quite easy to relate to.

She grew up in Singapore, loves Craig Ferguson and stalks her local weatherman. No specific niche for this blog other than "Kimtastic."

And with that comes the journey most of us wouldn't trade with Kim for anything. She lost her husband to an accident less than five months ago. Reading her blog from then until now is a fascinating glimpse into the world of grief. Both hating it, embracing it, and moving past it. She weaves in out of these phases like a car in traffic simply trying to arrive at some unknown destination.

But know this. You won't click out of her blog pitying a "widow" too young for the title. You will leave impressed with her humor and endurance while facing one of life's unexpected tragedies.

Jamie is a planner of events by day and chaser of shiny things by night. Follow her trails at Jamie's Rabbits. If you'd like to have your blog featured on "Center Stage" then contact Jamie so she can swing by your neck of the internet woods. Please know she sometimes shows up uninvited, so you may see your blog on stage if she really digs it.


Kim said...

Thanks for featuring me ! I am enjoying this website and reading about other Alabama bloggers. And I just bought my ticket to BlogHer 2010 !

See See So Me said...

thanks for putting kim on centerstage~~i "found" kim a couple of months ago through a mutual friend~~we share in life suckage~and she gave me the great word dr lector~~and now, when dr lector visit's me~~i get to have a visual image and i shoot the basta*d with a water gun~~sharing grief with other widows is great{not really something you would wish for} but sharing the grief does help~~

thanks for recognizing one of alabama's finest on centerstage

Valerie said...

I found Kim's blog a couple of months ago and was immediately drawn in. Great blog!!

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!