See For Yourself is a weekly feature on Alabama Bloggers that gives you a short list of great bloggers that you should be following. Click through to their blogs and see for yourself why!
Katherine @ Grass Stains (Twitter: Grass_Stains) - If you want a good laugh (often at her expense), visit Kat and her many escapades.
Drew @ Okra Cola (Twitter: OkraCola) - Drew hasn't blogged in a while. In too long, really. But the posts he already has on his site are a beautiful collection of explaining this south that we live in. Go poke around, enjoy his take on things, and encourage him to get back to writing. The world needs Okra Cola.
Wade @ Wade on Birmingham (Twitter: WadeOnTweets) - Wade walks the line between positivity and cynicism on the city of Birmingham that will leave you waiting for his next post. His journalistic background and impeccable storytelling will both entertain you and leave you pondering.
Will you be featured next week? Check back to See For Yourself! And feel free to make nominations for blogs that should be featured in future See For Yourself features!
Double thanks, Rachel!! You are going to spoil me...
"Wade walks the line between positivity and cynicism on the city of Birmingham."
I want this on my tombstone.
Thanks for mentioning me, Rachel! What a treat. :)
Nothing like being called out on the internet :) I really appreciate your honesty and encouragement, Rach.
I'm also happy to be mentioned in the same post with Wade.
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