See For Yourself is a weekly feature on Alabama Bloggers that gives you a short list of great bloggers that you should be following. Click through to their blogs and see for yourself why!
Alabama Social Media Association (Twitter: ALsocme) - If you're a blogger and are not involved with ALsocme, then click over right now and sign up for their newsletter. They have monthly educational meetings (with free lunch!! What more could you want??), mixers, and will most definitely help you get networked with other like-minded writers.
Erin @ Gold Shoe Blog (Twitter: erinshawstreet) - Erin always has beautiful essays and will draw you in with her eloquent stories. She is an editor at Southern Living magazine, which gives her many opportunities to travel and write about her experiences.
Javacia @ Georgia Mae and See Jane Write (Twitter: writeousbabe)- Javacia is a woman on a mission, and that mission is to help cultivate other female writers within our state. She was recently featured by LK at Magic City Made, who does an infinitely better job of introducing Javacia than I can in this little spot. So be sure to visit there as well as Javacia's blogs!
Will you be featured next week? Check back to See For Yourself! And feel free to make nominations for blogs that should be featured in future See For Yourself features!
Thanks so much for this honor. I hope folks will also visit my blog, which is dedicated to inspiring women who write.
Three of my favorite ladies -- awesome!
Great recs!
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