Lisa Leonard , Jewelry Designer and Social Media Queen, is coming to Birmingham!!
She is coming to town to record a segment for Talk of Alabama, but while she’s here, she wanted to plan an Alabama Blogger Meet-Up!
If you’ve ever talked to Lisa on Twitter, you already know how wonderfully kind and creative she is. If you’d like to meet her in person, whether you’re a blogger, a tweeter, both, or none of the above, she’d love to meet you!
Lisa is hosting a meet-up and Trunk Show on Friday, October 15th from 12-2pm at the jennifer harwell art gallery in the Regions Harbert Plaza Downtown. She will have cupcakes, her jewelry, and will even be giving some jewelry away!!
We need YOUR help in getting the word out, so on my other blog, Grasping for Objectivity, I am hosting a giveaway for a $50 gift certificate Lisa’s online store!
All you have to do to enter is tweet, blog, or facebook about the meet-up. Head over there for the rest of the details!
I hope you’re able to attend – it will be a great event, and I, Lisa and the other two hostesses, Rhoda from Southern Hospitality and Amanda from kevin and amanda would love to meet you!!! So let us know if you’ll be there!
I SO have this on my calendar, FUN!
I am coming - can't wait to meet everybody!
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
hello!This was a really outstanding topic!
I come from usa, I was luck to search your blog in bing
Also I learn a lot in your subject really thank your very much i will come every day
This sounds like so much fun and RIGHT up my alley, I just wish Fairhope wasn't so far away from Birmingham. . . Dangit!
It doesn't look like I'll be able to come, though I'd love to!
Sure would like to see a weekend Alabama Bloggers meetup. I am in Huntsville and a full time job, so it's hard to break away during the weekday.
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
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