This week, link in the best post you've read recently by ANOTHER Alabama Blogger. In your link title, include your name or blog and their name or blog, and let us know in the comments why you chose their post!
So, link up, tell us why you linked that post, and let's start reading!
Be sure to link in a specific post, not just the general URL of the blog.
Media of Birmingham has a new iPhone app review on "Birmingham Attractions," commissioned by the Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Oops - I put my own on there before reading "feature another blogger"! Guess I was excited about having a post this week.
Anyway, I'm featuring an old friend's (from North AL) blog this week. His blog is a great place to spend some time, but it will make you think.
I screwed up and posted one to my own blog. Sorry about that. (At least it was a guest post.)
But here are some others' posts I know you'll like ...
4. Messy Epicure - Jason takes a delicious trip to PieLab.
5. Bhamarchitect - The latest on the planned Chick-Fil-A for Five Points South in Birmingham.
6. Heaviest Corner - Why Birmingham is not such a bad town for biking.
7. Dre's Ramblings - André shares why it's important to share, to live your life.
Looking forward to your shared posts.
Celebrating five years on my blog this weekend, thought it deserved a shout out!
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