Saturday, June 20, 2009

Housework, Purposes, and How To Contribute

I just added a new feature at the top left on the sidebar of important links - this will continue to grow, but the basic idea is to provide new readers links to understand the purpose of Alabama Bloggers, introduce themselves, know how they can contribute, and be able to access helpful posts.

The purposes of Alabama Bloggers are to:
  • Provide a centralized meeting place for all Alabama Bloggers.
  • Provide an outlet to sample other local bloggers' work and make new blogging friends.
  • Provide helpful and important information about Alabama cities, attractions, dining, entertainment, and tourist locales.
  • Provide a place to disseminate information to all Alabama Bloggers at once (announcements, upcoming events, etc).
To make this vision come to fruition, it will take everyone's involvement, ideas, and writing. It has been so exciting to see how many new bloggers have already stepped forward to participate! I am really enjoying getting all of your ideas and contributions. Please keep them coming!!

And if you haven't contributed yet but would like to, by all means email me at! You can read here for more information on what to contribute and how.

Thanks, everyone, for making this site a success!

1 comment:

j said...

I appreciate YOU for taking the time to organize the Alabama Bloggers site.

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!