It's time to link in your best post of the week!
The purpose of this column is to make it easier to keep up with each other's blogs, so that even if we don't have time to read all of the Alabama Blogger blogs every day, at least we get the week's highlights.
So, link up, tell us why you linked that post, and let's start reading! And remember - the best way to get new blogging friends is to comment on other people's posts, so be sure to say "hi" to your neighbors when you visit!
p.s. - please feel free to interpret "this week" as loosely as you like!
One of my favorite posts in a long time written very early one morning before anyone else was awake and before my brain had too much time to wake up.
My post is about a recent tour I took of Oakton, a beautiful home that served as headquarters for the Confederates during the war.
My admiration for Gwen Stefani who is expecting her third child at the age of 44.
Snowball Run 10k review (held in Alabaster last weekend)
What I've learned from basically being postpartum for a decade.
I have four to share this week.
12. Y'all Connect - What the Hulk knows about great storytelling.
13. Birmingham Blogging Academy - I can help your class or nonprofit group.
14. Wade on Birmingham - A video of King discussing the various causes and challenges for the civil rights movement.
15. Project Bulk - Latest numbers in my health quest.
Looking forward to your posts.
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