It's time to link in your best post of the week!
The purpose of this column is to make it easier to keep up with each other's blogs, so that even if we don't have time to read all of the Alabama Blogger blogs every day, at least we get the week's highlights.
So, link up, tell us why you linked that post, and let's start reading! And remember - the best way to get new blogging friends is to comment on other people's posts, so be sure to say "hi" to your neighbors when you visit!
p.s. - please feel free to interpret "this week" as loosely as you like!
Blogged this week about how all of my life's fears and failures led me to one moment...
Linking my 'Jars of Lighting Bugs' this week! Thanks for hosting!
I don't always take time to link up, but I do try to visit the other bloggers. :)
My husband ran the Mercedes Half-Marathon for the first time last week, and he guest blogged his experiences.
We also have two giveaways right now here at Alabama Bloggers - for Disney Live and Freestyle Motocross! Be sure to enter if you'd like to attend.
I have two to share this week ...
7. Wade on Birmingham - Two videos that illustrate my diverse views on modern love.
8. Birmingham Blogging Academy - I stole a stranger's iPhone to save her life.
Looking forward to your posts.
Just found this site..was looking for other blogging platforms in my niche. Looking forward to reading! My post is on something God t aught me this week..
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