Monday, November 16, 2009

Center Stage: Okra Cola

By Jamie

Welcome back to
Center Stage where we take a fanfare look at one of the many great blogs being churned out here in Alabama. You can find past spotlights here.

When I attended college in Atlanta, more than half of the students were born and raised outside of the South. This led to confusion when I said things like "I'm fixin' my hair." OR "Grab that buggy." However, I patiently taught my new transplanted friends the melodic language of the South. One I'm proud to speak even today.

Bless my heart.

Okra Cola
This is probably one of the main reasons I like the Alabama blog - Okra Cola.

Drew, the author, considers himself 25%, 50% and 100% Southern - depending on your point of view. I'd lean on the greatest percentage simply based on his series: Southern Word of the Week. Who can't relate to the confusing nature of terms such as "tump" and "stove up?"

Okra Cola clears the air.

He also takes on classically Southern hobbies, delicacies and toys.

Including squirrels that fall into all of those categories.

Jamie is a planner of events by day and chaser of shiny things by night. Follow her trails at Jamie's Rabbits. If you'd like to have your blog featured on "Center Stage" then contact Jamie so she can swing by your neck of the internet woods. Please know she sometimes shows up uninvited, so you may see your blog on stage if she really digs it.


Jill Copeland Photography said...

I love Okra Cola, I grew up in the Midwest, Okra Cola always helps me make sense of the lingo down in Alabama! Glad you highlighted it!

Marie said...

Can't wait to check it out.
People always act surprised when I say tump. I can't wait to see it in writing!

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!