Looking for a great place to get a Christmas tree? We LOVE where we get ours each year. It's a one-man show - this guy drives to Michigan and brings back the most gorgeous trees - Black Forest Trees. They are perfect in every way - and, we've found, that if you water them with a little Miracle Grow mixed in, they'll grow tiny pine cones by Christmastime!
This year, he's set up on Highway 31 in Hoover in front of Doctor Jimmy Blake's old office (next to Golden Rule BBQ). He supports Jimmie Hale with his tree sales, and you can bring 5 cans of food for a small discount as well.
Where are your favorite places to get Christmas trees?
I was not paid or compensated in any way to write this post - it's just my opinion.
We were going to go to the Christmas tree farm this year and get a real tree. Our plans shifted a bit so we put up our artificial tree. Our poor tree - it's really getting OLD.
Yeah, we get our tree from the attic. Never grows an inch but we never have to string lights either.
I'm kinda sad I've never had a real tree for any of my 29 Christmas', but maybe I can talk my wife into it in a couple of years.
Our boyscouts sell trees each year to make money for their troup.
My family has a fake tree - won't even call it artificial. My husband had it as a child and we are "blessed" to have it now.
His aunt called it the "Fuller Brush Tree" and when we get it down I'll take some pictures so you can see why. :D
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