Mark Wednesday, July 13th on your calendars and get your reservation ASAP - ALsocme is hosting a tweetup that you won't want to miss!
The tweetup is FREE, including food, and will be at Old Car Heaven in Avondale. Dinner will be provided by Ted's Restaurant, a Birmingham landmark eatery for nearly 40 years.

Hundreds of Alabama Social Medialites will be there, and Mayor William Bell will be giving a brief talk about the state of technology in Birmingham. There will be social / networking time before and after his talk, so you will have plenty of time to meet all the people with which you've been tweeting and blogging!
To RSVP, go to and scroll down right below the mailing list option, and fill out the EventBrite form. I hope to see you there!!
This event is sponsored by My Green Birmingham.
You rock, Rachel! Thanks for your support.
Will Noah be there to ask tech questions of the mayor? He is a social media baby after all (Noah, not the mayor).
Please note: We have had to postpone the event, because Mayor Bell has been called to Washington that day to meet with FEMA on long-term planning for Pratt City.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we will reschedule the event for later this year.
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