Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Few Notes about Tornado Distaster Relief...

1. Instead of meeting to eat for our next #AlaBlogMeet, I want to organize a blogger work day to help with tornado relief. We can either help sort through donations, help deliver donations, help prepare and give out meals to relief workers, or help with the cleanup. I'm thinking a Saturday in Mid to Late May would work best.

a) Would you participate if you were available?

b) What date would work best for you?

c) What would you recommend that we do to help?

2. I rarely cross my two blog's paths, but since we're all bloggers here, I highly encourage you to educate your readers on how to help with the tornado relief, and specifically how to use Social Media to meet specific and immediate needs. I wrote a post on my other blog about that very thing here - please help in spreading the word about how to help by writing about it on your blogs!

3. Kristen Heptinstall of al.com is compiling lists of blogger's responses to the storm. If you've written about the tornadoes, tweet her at @KristenHeptin.


Karie said...

I would like to help. I should be in that area not this weekend but the next. I may even do a couple of weeks in June when I have more free time. I would love to either help with food or cleanup.

Mary R Snyder said...

I'm in! And I've sent Kristen my blog -- and I've written about how to help and will do so again.

Keep me posted and let me know when & where?
Sat are good -- but I just need to know where and when.
Lisa McKay (apreacherswife.com) is in northeast alabama and a popular blogger and speaker. Her community took a severe hit (DeKalb county). I was up there yesterday and they will NEED help cutting brush, cleaning out, and so much more. Just a thought.

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I would love to participate if there are things big huge pregnant women can do. Obviously, I couldn't do debris cleanup, but I'd be happy to help in another way. I'll also let Kristin know that I posted about the storms again today.

Saturdays are probably best for me, or Sunday afternoons. Can't do a weekday.

If you haven't linked up and introduced yourself yet, be sure to go here to do so!