I believe in sisterhood.
I truly feel a kinship with every woman and girl on the planet and this drives nearly everything I do. As an English teacher, published essayist, blogger and former full-time journalist, I am particularly passionate about empowering women through the written word. This passion motivated me recently to start See Jane Write, a networking group that seeks to enrich, support, and promote female bloggers, journalists, and creative writers in Birmingham, Ala.
Last month we met for the first time, bonding over burritos at Cantina in Pepper Place. This month we’re presenting a social media seminar aptly called See Jane Tweet. I hope many Alabama Bloggers will join us.
See Jane Tweet is a seminar designed to help women writers discover ways to use Twitter and other social media tools to promote their work, connect with other writers, and get published. Our speakers, Erin Shaw Street and Kristen Record Heptinstall, will also teach participants more about digital branding.
Erin Shaw Street (@erinshawstreet) is Associate Editor at Southern Living Magazine and board member of the Alabama Social Media Association (ALSOCME). She also has a thing for gold shoes. You can find her writing at www.erinstreet.com.
Kristen Record Heptinstall (@kristenheptin) is Senior Producer for Social Media and Community at al.com, executive director of the Alabama Social Media Association (ALSOCME), and a Walt Disney World fanatic. She blogs at southernwebgirl.blogspot.com.
See Jane Tweet will be held Thursday, April 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Matthew's Bar & Grill. This event is free but you must RSVP by Tuesday, April 26 to attend. To be added to the participant list, simply email me at javacia@georgiamae.com. To learn more about See Jane Write visit seejanewritebham.blogspot.com.
I hope to see you there!
- Javacia Harris Bowser
See Jane Write presents See Jane Tweet
at Matthew's Bar & Grill, 2208 Morris Ave.
Thursday, April 28 at 6 p.m.
Event Schedule:
6-6:30 p.m. -- Networking (Time to grab some grub from the bar and mingle with other local female writers)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. -- Presentation (Erin and Kristen talk Twitter, digital branding and much more)
7:30 - 8 p.m. -- Q&A session
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