Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blogging for Money – Ready to Leap

By Kathryn

Once you have the basics of your blogging plan in place it is time to start putting it into practice. Putting up a blog is not difficult but putting up one that has the ability to generate money can be a bit trickier.

Steps to Building a Money Blog

    1. Choose a format that will allow you to add advertisements and affiliate links. A self-hosted Wordpress blog is one of the best ways to have complete control over the add-ons to your blog.

    2. Research affiliate programs and ad programs to see what works for your site. Google AdSense may not make you rich over night but it could give you a steady amount of income. The down fall is that you do not have complete control over what is advertised. Amazon Affiliates allows you to add specific ads or scrolling ads to your blog and anything that is purchases when a reader clicks through will count towards your total. Other companies also offer affiliate programs, so find the one that suits your website content.

    3. Keep your blog design simple. Too many ads or an overwhelming theme will make it difficult for visitors to find what they are looking for and they will likely click back and search again. Be sure to get some feed back from other bloggers and do not get offended if they make suggestions for improvement.

    4. Talk to companies directly about running ads on your site. It might be that you have to build up a visitor base first but you may also be able to offer a trade – service for ads – that you could work out (like a website designer giving you a discount).

There is no guarantee in any business but if you want to launch a blogging business then creating a website that has room for ads is a great way to start. The next step is to get visitors.

Kathryn Lang writes about writing at Successful Freelance Writer. You can also learn more about her writing and speaking career at her home website - Kathryn

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