Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Giveaway: Day out with Thomas coming to Calera!

Day Out With Thomas

Thomas the Train has always had a special place in our family - my daughter loved him (and still does, despite her aging state), and my son adores him. I'm pretty sure we've single-handedly funded the continuation of the Thomas Legacy with our train purchases.

So naturally, we look forward to seeing Thomas in real life as often as possible, and A Day out with Thomas at the Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum offers that opportunity!

A Day Out with Thomas is a fantastic train-centered carnival for kids. They have rides, putt-putt, souvenirs, a petting zoo, Sir Topham Hatt ready to pose for photos...and of course, a 25 minute ride on Thomas the Train himself.

A Day Out with Thomas will be in Calera on April 12, 13, 14, 20, and 21.  It is recommended that you buy tickets in advance to get a spot on a train ride.

If you would rather win tickets, I am giving away a family pack of four tickets that includes a train ride and all of the activities! This pack of tickets is specifically for the 11:15 am train ride on April 13. We will be there too, and would love to meet you!

If you would like to win, enter in the Rafflecopter giveaway below.  The giveaway is open until midnight on April 3. Best of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I was given a four-pack of tickets for my family, but was not compensated to run this giveaway. My opinions are my own.


  1. i want to win this for my two boys! i would happily drive from huntsville for a day with thomas!

  2. My son, Thomas, is OBSESSED with Thomas the train! He would love this, and I would love to see his face!

  3. I would love to win these tickets and take my son!

    Christie C.,
